Your donation will allow us to develop outreach that will educate all ages about the expansive wildlife, special vegetation, rich history and unique geology and archeology of Golden's Open Spaces through school programs, walking tours and signage.
A nonprofit is as strong as its community support.
Together, we can do more than we can do alone. Let's bring our abilities and passions together to Educate, Advocate, Protect and Preserve.
To fulfill its Mission, Stewards of Golden Open Space organizes volunteer teams to address particular needs as they are identified. In all of our activities we rely on available best practices, and will be consistent with city volunteer policies.
If you are interested in helping us with any of the activities shown below, or have additional ideas, please contact us and let us know which of these general areas are of greatest interest to you.
Do you have experience with fundraising events? We need volunteers to help with our 2021 fundraiser. Send an email to if you are interested.
Your generous donation will help fund our mission.